Just when we thought our gossip columnists had stopped comparatively measuring their dicks, Rush & Molloy go after the Post and, in a surprise move, the New York Times is dealt some sass:

...[B]ut unlike New York Times real-estate columnist William Neuman, we never print celebrity addresses, as he's done to Sean (Puffy) Combs, Michael Moore and others ...

It pains us to correct the New York Post. But who else would tell you that another one of the paper's confections has melted into a puddle? Back on Jan. 23, it reported that Cynthia Nixon's rep "turns down invites to gay events" since she came out. In fact, the "Sex and the City" star next month will, for the fourth time, be a presenter at the GLAAD Awards.

Friends of Nixon also tell us that, contrary to the Post, she hasn't moved into the Brooklyn apartment of her partner, Christine Marinoni, nor do they plan to adopt a baby ...

Oooh — snap! Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode, when Page Six's Richard Johnson suits up for battle in his chain-mesh dominatrix suit.
Side Dish [R&M]