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OMG, you guys: Do you find the violence on shows like CSI, like, totally gross and off-putting? Bloody corpses and gunshot wounds and stuff? I know! It's so grody! But you know what's ten times worse? Genocide. For serious!

This occurred to us when we read Lenore Skenazy's really smart column in today's New York Daily News. She makes some totally valid points about what you can do about Darfur, but she doesn't get all preachy and judgy about it. Here's what she says:

Usually I glance at reports about the Darfur genocide the way I glance at ads for "CSI: New York." "Ugh - mangled bodies," goes my mind. "This I don't need." So, in the case of "CSI," I boldly take action. I click off the TV.

In the the case of Darfur, however, what is there to do, besides feel bad? And since it feels bad to feel bad, usually I just put it out of my mind. But then, I happened upon a picture of a 3-year-old Darfur boy dead in his bed. His brother, age 5, was too bloodied to show. And STILL I could have managed to ignore the whole thing, except that then my rabbi gave a sermon about a national four-day Darfur letter-writing campaign that starts tomorrow.

She says a lot more. And of course, being a pro, she has a call-back about CSI at the end of the column. Okay, can you keep a secret? We actually do watch it. We just cover our eyes when it gets too icky gross! ROFL!

We can't stand by and do nothing [NYDN]