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If you thought the hacking of Paris Hilton's Sidekick was a serious blow to the privacy and security of your idols, prepare yourself for more heartbreak: some terrible, evil lowlife has stolen Gideon Yago's laptop.

This is not to be taken lightly. On the MTV News correspondent's Powerbook were countless stories, screenplays, and photographs (including those from September 11th — remember 9-11, people). And his little Sims are presumably lost. Oh, the humanity.

To the guilty archfiend: You have committed a crime. A crime against humanity. A crime against infotainment journalism. Take a good look in the mirror, you brute. How long can you live with yourself?
P.S. Before you resell the computer, delete any love letters we've sent him, please.

Gideon's Bible Gone In Laptop Theft [Lowdown (2nd item)]