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Reason number 14,578 to love Craigslist: The unsolicited, anonymous rant:

Why I don't date actors.... Why won't I go out with you? Here's why:
1. You guys are totally hot, but it's all about you.
2. It takes you a really long time to get your life together.
3. You aren't financially stable. I make my own money and I don't need yours, so if you earn $15K a year....Live within your means. Don't be in over your head. I hate debt.
4. I don't care what you drive. So spending all of your $$$ on a leased BMW is idiotic.

5. I care about what you do and want to hear about your job and day......but not for 8 hours. There is life outside of the entertainment industry.
6. You are fucked up. We are all fucked up. Don't use it as an excuse to screw up life, relationships, friendships. Learn to deal with it.
7. Life throws us curveballs from time to time. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and move forward. Can't deal with it? Pick a different career.
8. Being an actor is about the work, not about being rich and famous. If you want the fame, go do a reality show.
9. You are amazing in bed, but outside the suck.
10. Not everyone wants to marry you, including me, so don't launch into your anti-marriage stance on the first date.

Good luck to you, you need it. I am on to boring bankers and former mathletes.

Number 9 has us a little suspicious that this was posted by an actor as an open letter to himself...but we're just suspicious by nature.

UPDATE: An actor concurs with the Craiglister's rant, but this seems like a transparent ploy to get laid by being "the actor who wants to be better, but still can't help himself."