· Write about what you know, they say. And by "they," we mean "real writers." No surprise, then, that former Larry Flynt Publications copyeditor Lydia Millet has a new book out about an alcoholic pornographer and a religious fundamentalist. She reads at Stain Bar in Billyburg tonight. [flavorpill]
· Do you care about social security? Neither do we, it's for poor people. Oh, wait, we're totally poor. Shit. We should listen to Times columnist Paul Krugman and Michael Tanner of the CATO Institute talk about whether or not a Social Security crisis is on the horizon. Betcha can guess where this one is headed. [SS]
· Ashlee Simpson sings — or doesn't sing, as the case may be — at Hammerstein Ballroom tonight. Oh, just get drunk and go. You know you want to. But don't expect us not to point and laugh. [Paper]