Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this remarkably packed edition: Renee Zellweger, Rosario Dawson, Aida Turturro, Toni Collette, Leonardo DiCaprio with Gisele Bundchen and Q-Tip, Mary-Kate Olsen, Carmen Electra, Kate Hudson with Chris Robinson, Meg Ryan, Monica Lewinski, Ben Stiller, Julia Stiles, Matthew Modine, Julianne Moore, Candice Bergen, Lindsay Lohan, Bono, Pat O'Brien, David Bowie, Iman, Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Julian Schnabel, Emmy Rossum, Kyle MacLachlan, Uma Thurman, Gina Gershon, Rosie O'Donnell, Paul Giamatti, Randy Jackson, Anna Wintour, Alec Baldwin, Chris Eigman, Fisher Stevens, David Cross, Chloe Sevigny, Bobby Flay, Paul Auster, Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols, Edie Falco, Christian Slater, Molly Shannon, Will Arnett, John Leguizamo, Harmony Korine, Byron Allen, Steve Buscemi, Joan Cusack, Carlos Leon, Albert Hammond Stroke, and Mario Batali.

I saw Renee Zellweger last night at around 6pm at the Borders in Columbus Circle. She was purchasing a lot of CDs and books and was dressed in baggy pants and a red/maroon baseball cap. Her hair was surprisingly auburn brown which was unexpected. Didn't she have black hair at the Oscars? She look teeny tiny in person and I can only image how "fat" she looked when she gained all that weight for Bridget Jones. And yes, her eyes are really that squinty. ha.

The corner of Third Avenue and 18th Street has been a hotbed of celebrity sightings. On Friday, March 11th, I saw Rosario Dawson bundled up and chatting on a cell phone. The next day while eating my eggs at the Sunburst Cafe on that same corner, Aida Turturro (Janice from The Sopranos) came in looking very Saturday-morning frumpy. If people noticed her, no one flinched. I guess Gramercy is just that cool.

On Friday (3/11) Toni Collette dined at Les Halles with a scruffy-but-cute male companion. As the hostess, I can attest that she was extremely gracious and didn't balk or pull the celeb card when told the wait was 30 minutes and didn't stare pointedly at me (unlike her fellow diners) when that wait turned into more like an hour.

saw Leo DiCaprio, freakishly tall and beautiful g-friend Gisele, rapper Q-Tip and a woman who was maybe Q-Tip's date at the Brooklyn Museum on Saturday the 12 taking in the Basquiat show. Crowd easily recognized them but no one approached to ask for autographs, photos, etc. Only saw one asshole pointing at them. Leo is not terribly impressive in person. Over six feet but terrible posture and not someone you would look at if he wasn't Leo DiCaprio. Q-Tip was much better looking. I see what Nicole Kidman was after there. Gisele is the usual six-foot tall, size-2 pinhead.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele with Q-Tip and ladyfriend at the Basquiat show at the Brooklyn Museum on Saturday afternoon. Everyone looked good, but this being New York, no one was paying them any attention.

I feel my life is now complete. Quintessential New Yorker who has yet to spot an Olsen twin, I walking home from work yesterday in Chelsea, 3/14, spotted a big black Suburban or some other vehicular monstrosity, and out comes this ADORABLE little big-eyed beauty. A white, French bulldog puppy, wrapped in a blanket, and who's holding it but a big-eyed homeless, wait! It was Mary Kate Olsen (definitely brunette) and a publicist looking type and of course, a bodyguard EASILY 5 times MKs size. Anyway, they were taking the little cutie to my vet. Ran home to tell my dog he goes to the doctor to the stars. I just read in Us that she has a Chocolate Lab but it was definitely a French Bulldog, all white, so maybe she's replacing her lust for...not eating... Anyway, I can die now that I've had my Olsen spotting.

Saw Carmen Electra entering the Viacom Building @ 1515 Broadway (3/14). I always thought we was kind of trashy looking (maybe due to the people she has dated/fucked/married) but in person she is one of the hottest girls I have ever seen. Does she have a sex video waiting to be stolen/hacked?

Had a triple sighting Saturday night: Kate Hudson, Chris Robinson, and one of the Strokes walking down Carmine Street near Bedford in the West Village. Kate was tiny and wearing a huge hat hiding most of her face, but Chris was easy to spot a mile away. He's really tall and skinny in person — and scruffy, as you can imagine.

Saw Meg Ryan at Mercer Kitchen yesterday (lunch, 2-3p) with a 40ish, nice looking guy. Lips still WAY overdone, typical moppet hair. She ate a burger & fries after the first 45 mins of just tea. The guy did most of the talking.

I do not know if it is me or just my coolness factor but I be seeing plenty-o celebrities during the past weekend. On Saturday night I was chillin at soho house when I turned and noticed that a large cloud had gathered, no wait, it was just Monica Lewinski. I do not know how a stain ended up on her dress, because from the looks of it nothing has fallen out of her mouth in quite some time. And in the far corner out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a small child with a large head, oh but wait, that was just Ben Stiller. After seeing Monica, on Sunday I woke up thinking of food. So for lunch I walked over to Bar Pitti and on my way over on Prince Street I walked past Julia Stiles, she s alright. Then on 6th Ave I walked past Matthew Modine, he has some sort of goofy hair cut and color. Looks like he tried to do a home blonde job with a bottle of peroxide. It ain t working for ya matty-boy. And inside of Bar Pitti was the babe-a-licious Julianne Moore. Oh-la-la, she got something fine going on.

Sunday, at the Armory show, Candice Bergen. She looks remarkably good — youthful and, as my girlfriend put it, "smooth."

Has anyone mentioned last night's sightings at the Coffee Shop? Lindsay Lohan with her hair dark red and skin looking mysteriously healthy and untanned? Napster publicists were bitchy though and claimed she would pose for photos if "You guys promise not to attack her."

Was innocently walking through my neighborhood this morning when what should I see but movie permit posters plastered all throughout the trees. Hmm, looks like they were going to be filming something entitled Lady Lucky. I imdb'd it and it is a Lindsay Lohan flick, how lucky for us. Walked past 7th Avenue (and the Monster) in the direction of 6th and lo and behold there was La Hohan walking out of her trailer with a flock of paparazzi and tourists (mostly Asian) waiting to zap her soul. Later on today, at around 6:30 pm, I walk by Christopher and 7th Ave and I spy La Hohan filming a scene inside the Riv (the unofficial home of Boston Red Sox fans). It's hard to miss her with her bright red hair and brown spotty skin coupled with the crowd of admirers, everyone from
horny male teens to gay queens to old geezers all hoping to catch a glimpse of ms. Hohan. Of course, I stuck around to gawk too. She didn't look cute at all, kind of looked emaciated and her red hair was kind of freaky looking.

Walking in the Meatpacking District Sunday afternoon, saw quite a few paparazzi outside Pastis waiting for someone to come out. I asked a Japanese tourist next to me who they were waiting for. She just smiled and nodded and whipped out her impossibly small digital camera. My guess is she had no clue who the celebrity actually was—Bono, from U2, who emerged from Pastis with a beautiful brunette model who dwarfed him (he's short!). He yelled "Onwards and upwards," which I took to mean he did not like his Pastis experience. He then signed a few autographs and got in the back of a car and drove away.

I was at a late lunch at Isabella's on the Upper West Side on Saturday around 3:00pm and just as we got our cocktails, my friend (who was facing the door) started freaking out - Bono had just walked into the restaurant with like 6 other people for lunch. He looked really cool and calm, though he was wearing a ridiculous looking green train conductor (?) hat... and of course the signature huge glasses. I wonder how many pairs he has??? Anyway, he seemed pretty normal - they had to sit at the bar and wait for a table big enough for like 15 minutes or something, which surprised me that they hadn't called ahead or whatever to arrange that a table would be waiting (which is what I would do if I were Bono). His wife was the only other person we could ID and she looked really beautiful, but not in a gross supermodel kind of way. I don't know who the others were, but just seemed like friendly normal looking people.

So this afternoon my honey and I went to go see "Ashes and Snow" on the pier, but the line was just too ridiculously long so we decided to stroll around the west village instead. As we strolled along, as we got to the corner opposite Pastis, we saw a smallish group of paparazzi so we stopped for a minute to gawk. There were the obigatory 3+ black SUVs, and out from Pastis strolls.... Pat O'Brien, from "Access Hollywood" fame. He was pretty nice and stopped for some photos, then went on his way. The best part was that right afterwards, a pararazzo came up to our corner and said to no one in particular, "what a waste. I'm never gonna be able to sell that shot." That was funny but I did feel bad for Pat. I'm sure he has a fan club somewhere.

I have to admit that last night as I was at dinner with a friend the last thing I expected was a celeb sighting. We were at Le Zinc and as a tall sexy woman left the bathroom I thought to myself "she looks distinctly like Iman". As she sat down at a long table I noticed it was David Bowie to her left in a whacky striped shirt. Finally the sighting lotto hit at a restaurant - I mean sorry but the young ones on tv and crappy disney movies are really not that exciting they are more like car accidents. Of course being a large table I started looking around, and from left to right the seating chart was: Salman Rushdie, David Bowie, Iman, Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson and Julian Schnabel. It was Lou Reed's birthday party - sort of surreal hearing David Bowie singing happy birthday to Lou Reed (along with the rest). There may have been others but that was my limit. Iman is hot and Salman looked drunk (maybe it was the sans beard/moustache) and David is a stud.

I saw David Bowie in Shakespheare & Co on Bway a few days ago. He was dressed all in black denim and a black baseball cap. The cashier told me he bought Zagat 2005 Downtown NYC and In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs: A Memoir of Iran. I was a little surprised that one of the biggest Rock stars in history needed the Zagats to tell him what's cool downtown, but I guess no one can stay with it forever.

I saw Emmy Rossum sneaking out of The Ring 2 screening last night (3/14) at the Beekman theatre. It looked like she scurried out of there so no one would hound her for autographs or pictures....too bad no one seemed interested in meeting her curly locks.

My friends and I were an opening for Amir Zaki at Perry Rubenstein Gallery in Chelsea when in walked Kyle MacLachlan. He was wearing a brown leather jacket, jeans, and a scarf he looked very handsome. He walked in and greeted a friend (gallery owner?) and was introduced to the artist. He said he had been "next door", which, when we left, appeared to be the "Visual AIDS" benefit. He chatted for a little while, then got a personal tour of the show by Zaki.

Just wanted to tell you about seeing Uma Thurman and her man at Lure fishbar last night. She looked amazing sans makeup, statuesque, in jeans, pink button down shirt, gray v-neck sweater and hair in loose ponytail. One of few actresses I can say looked better in person than onscreen. Her man was short, I didn't check him out too closely. They walked to the back at first (private table?) but wound up near main area. People checked them out as they initially walked by but even though she faced the main thoroughfare the "public" definitely respected her privacy. This definitely trumps the crappy Lindsay Lohan sighting from last week. ;)

On Saturday (3/12), saw Gina Gershon at the Diane Arbus exhibit at the Met. Looks like she took the "homeless chic" NY Times article from last week's style section a bit too seriously— she looked like an older version of MK, in baggy clothes, messy pigtails, and topped off with a black leather newsboy hat. She was with a female companion who looked neither homeless nor chic.

I saw Rosie O'Donnell on the USAir shuttle to Boston on Saturday- first row of first class with her feet up on the bulkhead wall. She was reading People magazine and chatting away with one of the flight attendants during the flight. She looked as you'd expect her to, but seemed friendly when we were all filing to our seats (made eye contact, etc.)

I saw Paul Giamatti and family on Saturday ( 3/12) at the BAM kids' film festival. At first he looked pretty somber and pensive, but he laughed in all the appropriate places, so I guess that's just how he looks.

I was eating brunch at Pastis on Saturday when a couple was seated right next to me. I was momentarily excited because I thought it was Drew Barrymore, but then quite disappointed when I realized I was wrong — though the woman did bear a striking resemblance. As luck would have it, however, I had Stalker resolution when I got up to leave and saw Randy Jackson in a great stripped blue shirt and jeans eating brunch with a group of similarly attired and bespectacled men. He was smaller than I expected, but I guess he has lost a lot of weight.

My friend was waiting in line at the Angelika to buy movie tickets on Saturday night with a friend. Apparently his friend moved from where she had been standing and, not paying attention, my friend leaned up against this other woman and started singing some song the two of them had been talking about earlier. The woman turns around and my friend, shocked, says, "you're not Emily....You're ANNA WINTOUR!" And it was. He said she was very gracious about the mistake and impromptu concert and was stylishly dressed in jeans and a white fur coat. He also said that she was, shocker, "tiny". I asked if anyone was with her because with all the recent pie-throwing and whatnot I thought she always had security with her, but he said she was all by herself.

Spotted Alec "The Bloviator" Baldwin (looking more and more like brother Daniel) playing tonsil hockey with a cute, young Asian girl at Pastis Sunday morning. Who the hell makes out at brunch anyway?

Saturday night, at Floyd's on Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn, Chris Eigman. He looked and behaved exactly like every character he's ever played in a Whit Stillman or Noah Baumbach film. I half expected him to be doing a crossword.

Saturday, March 12 at noon. Fisher Stevens of Greene Street Films having brunch at August with two friends.

i was at max fish listening to a friend tell a story about every hipster's favorite actor/comedian/columnist/whatever, david cross, when all of a sudden we realized he was standing right behind her. he cut a long line for the bathroom, spent about 10 minutes in there, and then awkwardly avoided making eye contact with at least five guys in blazers with messy hair as he made his way out the door. i hate max fish.

Thursday, 3/10 around 6pm saw Chloe Sevigny getting into a cab, headed uptown on 16th and 3rd. Garbed entirely in black, she looked very tall and rather drawn, with long blond hair hanging limply down around her face. After getting into the cab, she stared blankly out the window, sporting an irritating hipster-pout.

Shared a subway car on Saturday afternoon (3/12) with Bobby Flay — love to see the famous people right in there with us commoners. He got on at the 66th St. stop on a downtown 1 train — looked a little older than he does on TV, but well dressed in a navy peacoat and jeans. When a gigantic black man next to him asked, "Hey, are you — " Bobby interrupted him with "Yeah. What's up, man."

Park Slope. On my way to D'Agostino's to buy a box of donuts and break my diet, I see Paul Auster, looking like a sexy, literary badass. Black hair, black jeans, black, mirrored sunglasses, black poufy coat. I bought a bag of tangerines instead and went home to starve some more and work on my novel. Sticking with original plan to become famous and steal him away from his wife.

Saw several B-listers at the matinee performance of Spamalot on 3/12. Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols cut in front of my friend and Ime in line as we waited to enter the theater. I wonder if she gets a discount on the MP coconuts since he is the director? She seemed low key and nice (very jcrew outfit). Once inside, saw Edie Falco with her clan. She had HORRIBLE hair extensions and was explaining them to her children? nieces? She seemed down to earth, but it's hard to take someone seriously when they look like they have scarecrow hair.

Saw Christian Slater leaving the Milk Studios building on 15th today. Despite his age (I think he is only 30) and his receding, widow-peaked hairline, he looked fab. However, the reaction I received from friends when I told them I saw him AND I thought he looked good was, "Ewwww, you like him AND you think he looks good?" YES, PEOPLE! I love him and he looks GREAT! Childhood crushes never fade.

Last weekend while walking to Whole Food with the boy, I saw Molly Shannon in Chelsea, outside of Hold Everything. She was pushing a baby carriage and her big pregnant belly was peeking out of her coat. She was talking on her cell phone at the time, and consequently she was almost run over by a car because she wasn't paying attention. I love her, though. She also has the cutest red-headed baby girl ever. Molly, BFF.

I saw Will Arnett sans Amy Poheler at the Equinox at Brodway and 20th. He was looking rather depressed, probably due to the fact that his show is about to be

Saw john leguizamo last week walking around gramercy park. And then saw him today by union square w/his cutie cute little daughter. She was very happy about something and he was very serious parent looking rushed but cute! And he is short like all the rest of them.

Saw Harmony Korine walking by Tekserve (the Apple fix-it shop on 23rd St) wearing a hooded poncho that looked like to be woven from a combination of macrame and an old burlap potato sack. I predict that's gonna be a huge look this spring.

The other night as I was waiting to use the men's room at Elaine's, who should come out but Byron Allen, that weird bald guy who hosts that crappo celebrity interview show. He was picking his nose then blew a big booger into his hand. I wanted to keep staring but looked away outta fear he'd want me to shake his hand. I've seen lots of disgusting stuff happen in NYC before but that is the worst. What a loser.

Jumping on the F train back to Brooklyn the other night around West 4th Street was Steve Buscemi. He had a tall cup of Starbucks something-achino and was reading a script under the eyeglasses/baseball hat disguise. I've seen him a couple of times before. It's fun to notice just how few people recognize him. He
deserves much better.

Saw Joan Cusack at the matinee of Spamalot yesterday (Wednesday) looking cheery and anonymous.

Carlos Leon, on the downtown R train from Times Square to 8th Street/ Broadway. Looking extremely paranoid and uptight, in a cute jean ensemble and a leather wrist cuff. Madonna's baby daddy thinks he's much more famous than he is.

Last night (Wednesday, March 9) I saw Albert Hammond from the Strokes at Niagara's "TV CASUALTY" night. He came in real late, with a group of other hipsters, and was still there when I left around 4:00.

I'm excited. Mario Batali, 3/12/05, around 5:00 PM, at the corner of 4th and 11th in the West Village leaning against an iron fence, chatting intently on his cell phone. He was wearing BRIGHT orange sandals, gray shorts (it was nice out, but not nice enough for shorts), khaki safari vest and pink T-shirt. His hair was in his usual ponytail. He was good at ignoring the stares and shouts of "Mario, Mario" as people passed him on the street.