From Craig's List:

800 pages needs to turn into 350-400 pages. HELP! Writer seeks editor with book editing experience and loads of reading knowlege and familiarity of topics pertaining to spirituality, NLP, meditation, hypnosis, and the spiritual principles of gratitude, forgiveness, miracles, faith and more. I prefer, actually to find one editor that is like minded and very much in alignment with my "new-age" belief systems and a second editor that is totally opposed to my mystical ways and very much a "realist" and practical right now kind of person to challenge me and keep me on my toes and help me to hear and experience the WORST before I publish.

We'll save you the money and tell you the worst: no one's gonna read this thing. Sure, we're being mean, but they said they believe in the principle of forgiveness.

Writer of New Book seeks Editor! [CL]