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You couldn't pay us to watch American Idol (okay, maybe you could pay us — although it'd have to be a lot), but finalist Mario Vazquez has bowed out of the competition and the Gays are all atwitter. Why did the pretty Bronx boy quit after securing a spot in the top 12? Some theories:

Maybe Mario has a lover (that his biological family doesn't know about) who has a child, and making this relationship public would mean that the child might be removed by social services; maybe there is a lover who is transgender who otherwise passes and fears that they will lose their job if they are outed through the outing of Mario; maybe the lover has a terminal disease...

Or MAYBE Mario had a cockroach named Jimmy, and Jimmy told him Ryan Seacrest was an albatross, and Mario hates albatrosses!
Mario Vazquez Drops Out Of American Idol [AP]
American Idol - The Performers [TWoP]
Why Did Mario Vazquez Quit American Idol? [Datalounge]