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PRWeek explores the recent rise of the Nouveau Publicist: you know, cheese-distributors like Jonathan Cheban and Lizzie Grubman, who tend to be more visible than the products they're pushing. Determined to add himself to this clique is 5WPR's Ronn [sic] Torossian, a brash newcomer (and email aficionado) who recruits clients any way he can. This includes on the basketball court, where one can see Ronn's true worth:

"The beautiful thing about Ronn is that the sweaty, hairy guy on the [basketball] court that's extra aggressive is what you get," [former 5W client Jameel] Spencer says.

You heard it here first: PR's got a new Bear in town.

Famous Publicists: Self-Promoting Publicists And Clients Who Love Them [PR Week]