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When he's not feeling sorry for himself or telling talk show hosts his show has been cancelled, David Cross is busy taking in indie rock shows and paterin' le E.V. bourgeois.

According a reader, Cross seems to be using racist language to shock and surprise America out of its complacency just like the brave Canadians at Vice Magazine—or that dead guy you once heard of, Lenny Bruce!

Of course, it's a little different, since Bruce did it 40 years ago at the tail end of Jim Crow and, well, seems to have had a political point. Cross probably just wants to piss people off:

At the Death From Above show on Thursday night I spotted David Cross (of Arrested Development "fame") and was like, "alriiiiiiiight, the dude's got pretty rockin taste in music" and also saw him consorting with nick zinner of the yeah yeah yeah's. i was pleased with my sighting. THEN on Friday night i saw Mr. Cross again at 2A. after making the joke to my friends that i was really popular and he was stalking me, i looked up to see that he had written "love your racist" on the steamy window. i was personally offended and when my boyfriend went up to wipe the stupid (what the hell does that mean anyway, really?) quote off the window, they had already written "hitler" and "n*gger" on the window as well. when my boyfriend tried to wipe those off, a member of david's posse threatened to bash his face in. AWESOME. none were apologetic and i was totally disgusted. i hate david cross. which totally sucks, because i like arrested develpment. asshole.

Sad. He was so good in Small Soldiers.

Bicoastal Disorder [NYM]
David Cross On Kimmel: They re Replacing Us With Retards [Defamer]

[David Cross screen cap from Mr. Show with Bob and David, season 4; episode 23]