'Post' Fashion Forecast: Bare Feet, Etc.

Hey, ladies: someone at The New York Post is trying to tell you something, and we think it has to do with spending more time in the kitchen.
First up, the lady who can turn the whole world on with her smile, Andrea Peyser:
New York, perhaps the only place on the planet where tossing Chinese takeout containers into the trash constitutes "doing the dishes," is under the grips of a new fetish.
It turns out Martha Stewart was onto something. Days after getting sprung from the slammer, she ranted at a press conference like a deranged '50s housewife about how "homekeeping," as she calls wifely drudgery, is really a pure expression of love. Now, our city is getting with the program, and is about to go mad for . . . cleaning.
Oven gloves and aprons were the last things we imagined we'd want to get our mitts on this spring. But haute-housewife couture - one of the new season's strongest looks from designers as diverse as Marc Jacobs, the House of Balenciaga and Lela Rose - is making a kitsch-fest of everything from sugar cubes to gardening bags.
So, the message is clear: It's almost 9:30 and you better make your husband his goddamn eggs before he cuts off your allowance.