We hate to get all intra-blog incestuous (okay, actually we love to get all intra-blog incestuous), but what the hell is going on over at Gridskipper now that Nick Denton is editing it? Don't get us wrong: we love Denton (his generosity, his intelligence, his keen sense of right and wrong, his, well, everything), but has no one else noticed that he's making shit up?!?

First, the obvious one: The New York that might have been, all about freakin' movies! GS is supposed to be a travel site, not a movie site.

Worse yet, he's making up entire countries! For serious: Budapest? Copenhagen? Turin? Have you ever heard of any of these places? Who does Denton think he's fooling with these completely ridiculous place names?

And now, he's somehow tricked us into linking to the site. Un-freakin'-believable
