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The LAT takes a look at the Vine Street Lounge, the latest nightlife addition to the part of "downtown Hollywood" that was once infested with hookers, stripper clothing outlets, and the homeless, and which now is overrun with stripper clothing outlets, Scientology-owned real estate, and celebrity-baiting clubs.

To access the mezzanine level, where a VIP room is loaded with a round, oversized bed, you have to walk onstage behind the band. You can wave to the drummer and rock while you walk.[...]

"I love to people watch," says actress Vanessa Kay, who was scoping out guests from the Bedroom. "It's not like most VIP rooms where you can't be part of the action. Here you can check it all out."

Sounds like the place is promising (in a "wait behind the velvet rope until Tara Reid stumbles to the curb" kind of way), but it's not quite there yet. All the hot clubs stock their beds with struggling actresses who've at least had walk-on roles on One Tree Hill, and whose IMDb profiles contain slightly more substance than their measurements and a gig as a Juggy girl.