Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to [NB: No more Eric Nies reports, please. He's just not worth it.]

In this edition: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessica Simpson, Daryl Hannah, David Schwimmer, Meryl Streep, Katie Couric, Fabian Basabe, Jesse Palmer, Catherine Forbes, Matt Damon, Angie Everhart, Adam Arkin, Russell Simmons, Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler, Kathy Griffin, Willem Dafoe, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Parker Posey, Sway, Olsens, Mario Cantone, Cynthia Nixon, Julian Stroke and Albert Stroke, Reverend Run, Cynthia Harris, Mike Myers, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kara Saun, Robert Plant, Real World Willie, and the Gastineau girls.

1pm 3/7 Gov. Schwarzenegger weaving across the lanes of 5th avenue at 59th st, heading toward the Gates (which are still up in the park) surrounded by men in black.

Arnie Schwarzenegger powering through the crowd in midtown, very good looking smile until you realize it doesn't waver at all. He shook hands with people without stopping before ducking into a Starbucks on 7th Ave. The bodyguards stood outside the door.

Saw Jessica Simpson shopping on Broadway in Soho with her mom around noon today. She dragged her mom into Scoop and did a quick pass before moving on. She looked cute, wearing a floppy hat, big shades, jeans and her beloved Uggs. No Lachey in tow.

Recovering at Soy Luck Club in the WV, who should walk in but Daryl Hannah, looking about 23 years young. If that's what soy does, goodbye milk. Damn. She looked even better than she did in the Kill Bill(s) and without a sword nor eyepatch no less.

Saw Uma Thurman Wednesday 3/9 at the Children's Museum of Manhattan with her two kids. She was sporting black pants, a cream colored sweater, and...running shoes? Her hair was messy and she was wearing very little make-up, but tall and stunning nonetheless. She was having a fun time, goofing around and playing with her kids.

Just saw David Schwimmer @ Bubby's on Hudson and N. Moore eating lunch with a woman with a British accent. She was not attractive at all. His hair looked like he stuck a finger, or two, in an electric socket. I wanted to ask him if Matthew Perry gave him the number for the good prescription hookup, but passed.

Saw Meryl Streep all bundled up against the crazy crazy wind this afternoon (3/9). She was going into the Union Square Caf . She looked really normal. To the point where I said "that woman looked like Meryl Streep". My friend laughed.

was running in the park yesterday around 4, and passed katie couric - she was powerwalking with a friend. despite my blistering 9:46 pace (ha ha), I got a pretty good look - she has NOT had any work done, but might want to consider an eyelift. her highlights, par contre, looked amazing. she must get them done every half hour or so.

Saw Fabian Basabe, Jesse Palmer, Catherine Forbes at Duvet partying up a storm. Palmer is hot. No wife with Basabe.

Saw Matt Damon walking towards Astor Place, 1:45PM wearing puffy orange jacket. He was sweaty as if he had just worked out and with two male friends. [Ed: Interesting description. Projecting? Wishful thinking?] Looked very cute.

Yesterday (3/6) my boyfriend and I waited in line at the East 57th Street Tourneau service desk behind Angie Everhart and a guy who is probably her new fianc . She didn't seem concerned about being recognized - there was a lot of conspicuous smooching and cuddling and she even removed her "look-at-me-I'm-a-celebrity" shades at one point. She looks great but it seems like she had some work done around the eyes. The line took forever but my boyfriend didn't mind - he was in heaven remembering her Playboy spread from a few years ago.

Adam Arkin, meandering slowly down 45th Street towards 6th Avenue while talking on his cell phone.

On Saturday afternoon, Russell Simmons was hanging out by his chauffeur-driven SUV on Spring and Broadway. He was posing for pictures and chatting to a girl who was crying because she'd just lost her purse. As he was leaving, he gave her and her friend each a $100 bill.

Yesterday (March 6) afternoon I spotted SNL's Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler walking through the Long Island Rail Road section of Penn Station. Seth was wearing a black jacket and a wool hat, and Amy had her hair in pigtails. She is very tiny!

Walking my dog yesterday (3/6), on the corner of 46th and 9th, walked past Kathy Griffin. Really, really short, zero make-up, but I knew it was her because of her overly-surgeried face. She smiled at my dog. Or at least tried to, what with the Botox and all.

Sat a few rows behind Willem Dafoe, who skipped the line into a Film Forum screening of "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" on Sunday evening. He was with a younger version of himself, who I assume was his son. They both seemed very happy and talkative, and enjoyed the film. The large crowd of film buffs and hipsters was all whispers and glances when he appeared, but nobody broke the spell by approaching him.

Just saw Christo and Jeanne-Claude at CVS on 87th and Lexington. Waiting impatiently in the pharmacy pickup line...can't blame them, service was very, very slow. The regular pharmacist is out and things seem to have gone a little haywire. Jean Claude left the line and cut in front of me at the dropoff window, asking if their prescription(s) would still be there tomorrow, to which the clerk responded in the affirmative. Jean Claude then signaled to Christo that they should leave, which they did in quite a huff. Again, can't really blame them....everybody was pretty cranky.

On a nice warm afternoon, my dog went up to another dog at the leash-free dog park in Union Square. The second dog belonged to Parker Posey, clad in a black coat, lack boots, and enormous Project Runway-esque sunglasses. Was very nice. Smoked a cigarette while our dogs sniffed each other. No Ryan Adams in tow, fortunately.

Saw MTV VJ Sway on the packed and extremely turbulent red-eye flight from LAX to JFK on 3/7/05.

I just saw an Olsen (who can tell which one s which) walking on Bleeker with one of her fashionista pals. While her friend looked spectacular, the Olsen girl (as usual) looked like a homeless woman. What was hilarious was that the friend was carrying a really cute tote bag that said the laundry spa, pamper your clothes while the Olsen chick was wearing a dress that needed more than just a pampering, it needed CPR.

Monday night (3/7) whilst waiting for a friend outside of Butter, the blond Olsen (Ashley?) climbed out of a big black SUV (California license plates) with bodyguards in tow and glided right into Butter. She's very tiny. Great fashion! Fabulous 5-inch
thick-heeled shoes!

Saw Mario Cantone, Charlotte's gay friend Anthony on Sex and the City, seated in first class on the Monday night flight from New Orleans to La Guardia. He was reading a script; I couldn't see what. Was also doing his level best to avoid making eye contact with the commoners making their way back to coach... (so hard to pull off when you've got an aisle seat.) This much I can say: the man has got some impressive chest hair.

Cynthia Nixon in a brown, boxy crap car driven by her girlfriend. The girlfriend is as (how shall I put this nicely) uncomely as mentioned in Datalounge, but she and Cynthia looked pretty happy as they drove around the corner on 90th and Central Park West. Cynthia was wearing a winter hat.

Spied Julian and Albert from the strokes sloshing along 10th street near 3rd ave just before 6pm (3/9). Julian needed a warmer coat.

On flight from ATL to LGA, a familiar-looking man in a long black velvet robe with gold embroidered cross on its back asked for my interpretation of the Delta pre-boarding info screen... I couldn't quite place him until I boarded just after him and glimpsed the name that flashed up on the scanner: SIMMONS/JOSEPH. Yep, Run DMC's own Reverend Run (and Russell's bro). He was really nice (especially for a 830a flight) and the First Class flight attendant recognized him as a regular customer.

Saw the mom from 'Mad About You' Cynthia Harris waiting for the M3 bus on Madison & 53rd. She was wearing the biggest orange coat making me wonder if she works for the MTA. Other than that, she looked good and had a smoke before running to the bus.

Monday evening at Blue Mill Tavern (formerly Grange Hall), I was imbibing and gabbing at the crowded bar when in walked Mike Myers, in dark floor-length coat, dark pants and white sneaks. He seemed somewhat sheepish and didn't ask anyone to get out of his way when he couldn't get through the crowd; he just stood there, not in a diva way, in a shy way. Finally a friend of mine cleared a path for him. He skitted over to the manager and conversed briefly, and then skitted back out. Leaving there and walking down West 11th Street, Julia Louis-Dreyfus walked by with three older gentlemen. She has great skin, esp for this weather. She seemed small.

Spotted Kara Saun of "Project Runway" fame at Penn Station this past Friday evening (3/4). She was wearing a paper-boy cap of sorts, but it couldn't hide the fact that it was undeniably her. My friend had to restrain me from yelling "what about those Dollhouse shoes, bitch?!;" she totally lost my love in the series finale.

Saw Robert Plant (or his bloated stunt double) at pastis brunch on Sunday 3/7 with requisite skinny hot Asian chick.

I saw Willie, the super-gay guy from The Real World at the Waverly Coffeeshop on Saturday (3/5) around 1pm. I didn't notice him until he was underneath my table, hunting for a lense that flew off his sun-glasses. Polite and funny about it but then he got in a fight with the wait staff. No idea what it was over, but Willie and friend stormed out before they were seated. He might be the gayest person on the planet.

Last Wednesday I was in the upstairs booth at Marquee, getting shitfaced and glaring at the buttoned-up Apprentice types, when my friend and I spotted Lisa Gastineau maneuvering through the crowd. I almost didnt recognize her. She looks much younger than I thought, granted her skin has been stretched tight as a drum and she's probably been exfoliated a billion times over like a river rock at this point - but shit, it looks good on her! Then her daughter, whatsherface, strolled up and their handler was snapping photos of Lisa hanging out with Melissa Burns, the girl from W.I.T., who was also looking like a total babe.