Well, Dan Rather's final broadcast at CBS news was more heartfelt than a Arkansas armadillo in a barrel of blue yarn — until he went back to that damn courage thing, couched in invocations of September 11th, soldiers and journalists abroad, and, yes, the tsunami. Everything always comes back to the tsunami.

On the bright side, a CBS staffer writes in with an account of the post-broadcast festivities:

Cracking open the Veuve, staffers were also sure to have a case of wild turkey bottles because that's Rather's apparent drink of choice. He toasted Heyward (drinking champagne) and took a hearty chug before hearing the staffer's anecdotal speeches about him.

There's nothing like leaving the set smelling like a cheap bar. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Dan Rather Signs Off CBS Evening News [AP]
Live-Blogging Dan Rather's Last Broadcast [Wonkette]