· Sarah Morris, widely known for her geometrized renderings of flashy metropoles, gets all US Weekly for her latest work by capturing the surgically-enhanced movie-bots of Los Angeles in Oscar prep-mode. We're pretty sure Harvey Weinstein is not one of these surgically-enhanced movie-bots, but everyone else seems fair game. She speaks at the New School tonight. [flavorpill]
· Going to a Cat Power show is kinda like buying drugs from a sketchy dude in a bathroom stall: total crapshoot. Will she actually perform? Perform well? Freak out? Cancel? $17.50 and a subway ride to Southpaw in Brooklyn and you can find out for yourself. [Southpaw]
· Jonathan Lethem (Fortress of Solitude) and Colson Whitehead (John Henry Days) read today to raise money for the library at P.S. 107 in Brooklyn. Goddamn tryhards. [TONY]