Dating Tips And Tricks From Bridget Harrison

Page Six reports that fellow Post roustabout Bridget Harrison (who's like their version of New York mag's dating columnist Amy Sohn, minus the sweatpants) has sold a book full of "tips and tales which were too juicy to be printed in a family news paper." Gosh, what sort of gems might Harrison have in store? Some possible ideas:
· Be an easy, cheap drunk. So long as you don't barf, you'll get a second date.
· Buy a wig: men love to feel like they're with a different woman once in awhile.
· Kissing other girls at parties will make you popular. You don't even have to like it.
· Lubricate the turkey baster first.
· All men love a women with a book deal and low expectations.
· Fake British accents make you sound exotic and intelligent.
· Try not to be too intelligent; no man likes to be threatened.
· Be flexible. Yoga can help.
· Writing about your dating life is a great way to stay single assert your independence.
· Play with the sensitive underside of the shaft — he'll love it!