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We missed last night's premiere of Kirstie Alley's lastest resuscitation, Fat Actress, because we don't have Showtime (does anyone?). The pilot episode (creatively titled Big Butts) is available in its entirety online, however, so we decided to try watching it this morning. We lasted exactly 4 minutes and 52 seconds — that's about all we could take of Alley's heaving bosom. Granted, we weren't expecting Curb Your Enthusiasm-caliber entertainment, but we also weren't ready to deal with Alley's version of improvisation, which seems to revolve around her cleavage. We'd like to think we're strong people, but is anyone so strong as to deal with Alley clomping about in a negligee?

'Fat Actress' Pilot: Big Butts
Fat Actress [Yahoo TV]