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· Halle Berry is not to be trusted, and the Gays are onto her: "I feel that under the clause of 'equal protection under the law,' gay men should have a fair and equal shot at hot young fuckable guys BEFORE that Halle Berry beauch can turn them all into heterosexuals." [Drama NYC]
· Richard Hatch continues to fight the IRS. Isn't vanity amusing? We think so. Heh. [TaxProf]
· The Times informs us that "getting a fake ID is a right of passage," and we inform the Times that learning about homophones is a rite of passage. Not that we should nitpick — but what the hell, we're cranky about being indoors right now. [NYT]
· You didn't expect Matthew Barney and Bjork to sleep on a Serta, did you? [Kapow Design]
· Today's cross-blogination comes at the behest of our dark master, who's currently enjoying the wonders of actual blogging. And since one writes what one knows, we're none too surprised to see an analysis of skinny dipping at Soho House. [Gridskipper]