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We just don't get it. This Saturday, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter was arrested in Huntington Beach, California, on drunk driving charges (it's the family way). We understand why he was drunk — you'd probably drowning yourself in moonshine, too, if you dated Paris Hilton and only had an abusive reputation to show for it. What leaves us concerned and ultimately befuddled is why, God, why would Nick Carter endanger himself and the hearts of all seven of his fans? The Backstreet Boys are touring later this month, and we just can't imagine how Carter would be so reckless as to risk the hundreds of dollars of revenue he stands to make. Something must be done before this gets out of control... Ooooh, can we put him on A&E's Intervention? We'd love to see little brother Aaron read aloud some heartfelt letter about his pain. It'd make their pop music so real, y'know?

Backstreet Boy Busted [TSG]