· Literary novelists are beginning to confront 9/11. Finally! Actually, like this matters 99.9% of the adult reading population. C'mon, people: Vin Diesel had the number one movie this weekend. Vin fucking Diesel! We could fit the entire "literary fiction" reading audience in our kitchen and still have room left over for history's great Jewish basketball players. [NYT]
· Stop us if you've heard this one: A blogger walks into a White House briefing. "Ouch!" [Wonkette]
· A Florida prison approves letting prisoners read USA Today. Way to keep 'em ignorant yet sort of vaguely upbeat. But how are corrections officials gonna be able to use HipClicks to punish problem inmates now? [The Ledger]
· Were 80's ax-man Vito Bratta and Radar editor Maer Roshan separated at birth? [Panopticist]