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Before you start pawning all of your possession to rent a Hollywood-endorsed "dip n' dunk" photo booth, consider that Sunday's NYT piece contains numerous indications that the trend is already colder than a Republican in Carrie Fisher's guest room:

1. Celebrity enthusiast Dave Navarro, a relative early-adopter, figures prominently;

2. Everyone who's cool so totally found that photo booth in the Short Stop, like, three years ago.

3. Soul-chilling "example" photos involving The Insider's Pat O'Brien accompanying the piece, which seem to suggest that O'Brien then drew the booth's curtain and proceeded to join in sweaty congress with Hilary Swank and Leonardo DiCaprio;

4. Ratner:

Brett Ratner, the film director whose credits include "After the Sunset," is also enamored of the machines. His vintage booth was the first purchase he made after buying Hilhaven Lodge, the former home of both Ingrid Bergman and Kim Novak. He said the booth is invariably the life of the party. He is at work on a sequel to "Hilhaven Lodge: The Photo Booth Pictures," his book of machine-made snaps.

One day, when Ratner tires of his plaything, the cursed booth will travel the country, rendering photo-seeking bar patrons irreversibly impotent as each flash imprints on their retinas an image of the director engaged in a variety of sexual acts. The booth must be destroyed immediately.