Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Chelsea Clinton, Shannen Doherty, Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson, Mike Tyson, Jay-Z, Lizzie Grubman, Mary-Kate Olsen, Katie Holmes, Eric Stoltz, Claire Danes and Billy Crudup. Penelope Cruz and Matthew McConaughey, Elijah Wood, Kiernan Culkin and Anna Paquin, Christy Turlington, Rachel Dratch, Ben Stiller, Bianca Jagger, John Waters, Mike Myers, Luke Wilson, Dermot Mulroney, Austin Scarlett, Jet, Tim Gunn, Lili Taylor, Al Franken, Shandi, Patricia Field, Rod Stewart (or twin), Carson Daly, and Greta Van Susteren.

Chelsea Clinton came into Freeman's Friday night at 11:30 no res no problem seated immediately before others waiting she was in a party of 2 which defies the supposed 6 person minimum.

Last night at The Glass Menagerie- a smiling, happy Chelsea Clinton in third row center. She was by far the most entrancing thing about the evening.

today 3/1 i saw republican Shannen Doherty, looking tiny and bitchy, walking near astor place laden with shopping bags accompanied by large man and taller (and equally bitchy looking) friend

On Saturday at around noon, I saw Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson walking south on 2nd Avenue. near 4th street. She didn't look so hot, but in all fairness, they both looked like they just rolled out of bed, and were pretty scruffy, and wearing shades. He is oddly sexy in real life.

Sunday afternoon: saw Mike Tyson looking like, er, Mike Tyson heading into Brooklyn Diner on West 57th for brunch with two acquaintances.

Last night (3/2) I was eating dinner at Nobu when all of a sudden I was blinded by a head of platinum-blonde hair belonging, of course, to everyone's favorite publicist, Lizzie Grubman. Then on the way to the bathroom, I saw Jay-Z eating at one of the round tables by the sushi bar (a very conspicuous location). He was dining with three other dudes, and he subtly checked me out as I walked by. Glad to know the badonk-a-donk is good for something.

Spotted one of the Olsen twins (the thin one) at the Eleven - new hipster vintage clothing store on Elizabeth and Prince - am guessing that she was there to buy some of her hobo outfits. Confirmation that an Olsen twin sighting had occurred came from the two body guards and big fat SUV parked outside the store waiting to wisk her away.

Saw Katie Holmes in the soho Sephora yesterday (2/27) wearing a pink wool coat, shades and yapping into her cell phone. As I think I've read in other gawker stalkers, she is surprisingly tall...5'7" or 5'8" and cute though not much cuter than any other NYC cute girl.

I saw Eric Stoltz walking up 8th Avenue in Chelsea on the evening of March 1. He was shorter than I expected him to be but younger looking.

Claire Danes and Billy Crudup (pronounced Croo-doop, we learned) at the Saturday night performance of Shockheaded Peter at the Little Shubert Theatre. She was nuzzling his neck and looking canoodly.

Penny Cruz and BF Matthew McSomething [McConaughey] walking in soho prince street around 3 in the afternoon today. He is so hot that u can cook a couple of poached eggs on his biceps. She is tiny, great hair and clothes but not so pretty. Ok now tell me how he finds her so irresistible . Life is so unfair

Walked in to the Broome Street Bar last night to eat one of their fabulous pita burgers and the first person I saw at the bar was none other than Matthew McConaughey. After a fruitless attempt at getting a table, we noticed he was getting ready to leave, so my friend asked if we could take over his seat at the bar. They had a brief convo regarding us taking over their spots and then we stood awkwardly behind them while he drunkingly tried to find a cigarette. He looked like he was dressed for a safari- must still be in the Sahara state of mind. No Penelope with him, just an older man, most likely a compadre from Texas.

Saw Elijah Wood in the Jet Blue terminal at JFK last Friday afternoon (2/25). He's short and slim, and was wearing a gray button down, an olive wool zip jacket and worn, red Chuck Taylors. He was with a petite blonde alterna-cutie and a couple equally hip guy friends(?). Evidently getting on a flight to West Palm, my friend made eye contact with those incredible blue eyes and was nearly pulled into the Vortex.

I was sitting at the bar in Shades of Green on Friday night (2/25) around 11 when apparently Kiernan Culkin and Anna Paquin came in and stood behind me for a little trying to get some drinks. The people I was with scared them out into the streets but before that, it was observed that Kiernan is pretty tiny and Anna was not looking so hot (the word actually used was "busted"). Needless to say, it was pretty exciting, even without Macauley.

Just back from lunch at the Time Caf on Lafayette. Spied Anna Paquin at a table alone-she was on her cell for about a hour before a friend came and joined her. She has long black hair and looked just like you would expect.

saw Christy Turlington at the Tribeca Screening Room, watching a screening of Boxers and Ballerinas. Her non-foreign accent threw me off - i thought pretty much all supermodels were from outside the US. Is absolutely stunning in person, so is the rock on her finger. but she seemed really friendly and was chatting to one of the filmmakers.

Saw the Thursday night (3/3) production of Wicked and who entered the Gershwin lobby as I was waiting but Rachel Dratch. She is little, so much skinnier in person, and looks like...Rachel Dratch. Couldn't tell how many people she was with but one man looked very similar to her, so I hope it was her brother and not husband.

Ben Stiller, looking fairly short, fairly gray, and pretty darn hot at "Ashes & Snow" opening at the Nomadic Museum last night...apparently Susan Sarandon was in the house (rumored, no sighting) and Bianca Jagger (seen by friend). No showing of Brad Pitt who is a Colbert collector (Gregory Colbert the artist whose work the museum was built for).

Saturday—Barbara Gladstone Gallery, I saw John Waters with a very baby-faced male companion in tow breezing through the Sarah Lucas show only to have Meryl Streep walk in (with her husband?) seconds after he left.

Saw Mr. John Waters at MOMA on Sunday in the Thomas Demand exhibition.

had a celebrity sighting trifecta last night at the blue mill in the west village. was having drinks with friends and who should walk in but mike myers and his wife, with luke wilson and dermot mulroney in tow (also with the group was an actor who no one could name). mike myers looked as tan and botoxed as he did at the oscars; luke wilson had greasy unwashed hair and dermot mulroney was HOT. They were all having beers and laughing - looked like they were having fun, but not as much fun as I had watching them!

i moved to the west village over 2 weeks ago and only today have I spotted celebs though that could be owing to the fact that i am a half demented hermit who is second guessing this move; perhaps i should have taken that place in greenpoint. in any case mike myers and robin however you spell her last name were filing out of the starbucks on the corner of 7th ave. here. i saw her first and thought oh she's pretty, no puff under the eyes, silky hair and enough of a laissez faire attitude about her wardrobe - non-descript prada bag slung over equally not out to impress black coat - to make me consider her for more than a split second. that's when i saw her seeing me see her and that's when i saw her husband mike myers catch up behind her, who saw me seeing her and him. very cute, less floppy looking than on tv, same hair color as robin. once they left everyone looked better, so they shined a little light at least for me.

I spotted Austin Scarlett of recent Project Runway fame on the red-eye flight from LAX to LGA with a stopover in Cincinatti on Monday 2/28. He was dressed to kill in a lacy ascot and large brown leather boots in which he had tucked his tight blue jeans. He was gracious when middle-aged women stopped to talk to him about his work.

Went to see The Waylons at Southpaw last night when who should walk in but each and every member of Jet, those current Aussie music hotties. They looked about as rock and roll as you would expect, and taller than I would have imagined. Cute accents. I sidled up to them but the phone pics didn't come out. Oddly, no one seemed to realize it was them. Waylons were great as usual, so all in all a pretty good night.

Last night I strolled around the corner to Southpaw to see The Stands/The Waylons show, went up to the bar to buy an overpriced Bud, and check out the attractive hipster gentleman wearing a soldier outfit. Close-up, imagine my surprise to find it was Nic Cester of Jet. I turned around and realized I was surrounded by the rest of the band in full rocker regalia speaking Australian. They hung around for a while and then disappeared backstage, never to be seen again. Kind of like after they became NME's best new band in the world or whatever? Wonder what they were doing slumming in Brooklyn on a Wednesday? Huh.

Saw Tim Gunn (the Parsons "overseer" of the wanna-be designers on "Project Runway" - entering a lovely brownstone on Perry Street; 5 minutes later and literally around the corner - Lili Taylor walking her dog she looked petite and her hair was very done up - this led me to take an extra glance to make sure this was really the hippie chick we all know.

My friends and I sat behind Al Franken and his very young lady friend at the Dar Williams concert on Thursday (3/3). My friends didn't know who he was until I did a Stewart Smalley imitation.

I saw Shandi from America's Next Top Model walking on 23rd street, between 7th & 8th avenues last night before the Oscars. It looked like she was either going to the NYSC on 8th or coming from David Barton's. Hopefully she wasn't coming from the Walgreen's down the street.

Saw Patricia Field in Saks on Friday. She was turning up her nose at the Marc Jacobs line - guess we won't see Marc on Kelly Ripa any time soon. She's skinny-skinny-skinny.

Saw Rod Stewart (or his evil, Brooklyn-based twin) on the corner of Spring and Wooster on Saturday. Since he was with a woman his own age wearing clothes that actually covered her cootie, my guess is that it was the twin. A veritable clone though.

Saw Carson Daly at Rue 57 on Sunday. He was eating breakfast with a bunch of hat-wearing chuckleheads and a model-wannabe type. Looked really scared when I recognized him, like I might come over and ask him what Tara Reid is REALLY like.

Saw Greta Van Susteren in the bar at the Essex House on Sunday. Suprisingly tiny and cute. Was with a Paul Sorvino-lookalike. Couldn't tell if it was a date, but she looked very happy and smiley.