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The range of emotions at the event: serious, sexy, serious. That's about all them there foreign people do.

And on the seventh day, God rested and Gawker crashed the premiere for Don't Move. Sunday night found photographer Nikola Tamindzic and Special Correspondent Noelle Hancock taking in a Penelope Cruz flick. Just when you thought she was over (TNT movie Noel, co-starring Paul Walker, anyone?) she resurfaces in a new movie — an Italian film, no less! Apparently, the people of Spain have disowned Ms. Cruz like a superfluous Chinese daughter. After the jump, celebs discuss their Cadbury-induced excitement.

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This movie has posters. Yep — two of 'em!

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Matt Damon single-handedly revives the skullcap.

I head to Tribeca Cinemas for the screening and reception. Penelope arrives in an Oscar de la Renta gown sans
boyfriend, Matthew McConaughey, who's probably off green-housing in a Washington Mutual ATM console somewhere. Resident NYDN pretty boy Chris Rovzar tries to get to the bottom of things, saying, "Everyone's so excited about you and Matthew McConoughay - " Penelope sharply cuts him off, "I don't want to talk about that!" Then she walks away. Oooooh, de-NIED! Ya hate to see that.

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The saddest girl to ever hold a martini.

"This movie is a piece of truth," Penelope tells Gawker. "I like that you're uncomfortable for most of the two hours that you're watching it." She then tells us that the film almost never made it over to this self-involved country of ours. "It's hard to get films from other countries distributed in America," she explains. I totally understand. But what are these "other countries" of which you speak?

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The paparazzi go insane for someone most people neither know nor care about.

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Hey, remember Chaz Palminteri? No? You sure? Not at all? Nevermind, then.

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She may be soldiering on after her breakup with Chris Klein, but the bags under Katie Holmes' eyes betray her inner pain.

Katie Holmes shows up with an anxious publicist who hovers over her like she were a pee-smeared public toilet. The gossip reporters immediately start debating whether to ask about the very recent breakup of her and fianc e Chris Klein. Survey says? We'll let it slide this time. But next time, Joey Potter, next time

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"I kind of look like J.Lo, but I'm not. Don't tell the photographers, okay? I need this to make WireImage or my agent will dump me."

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The fellow in the background is sad because he is neither famous nor fabulous.

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Matt Damon does his best to pitch something — anything, really, and to anyone — that can keep him away from the Bourne franchise.

Matt Damon is on hand at the after-party wearing a skull cap, black sweater, and a jean jacket that we definitely don't need to discuss. A reporter from InStyle starts in with the requisite, "Where do you most like to go on vacation?" questions. When he finally escapes, I ask Matt just how much he loathes the paparazzo. "Not at all!" he exclaims. "I'm never followed around in New York. As long as you don't court the press, or go around dancing on tables or knocking people out in bars, the media leaves you alone." [cough!]Like Ben Affleck? [hack!]

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Beard no more, Penelope smiles as much as her corset will allow.

You have to love these events for moments like this: Two guys approach Miramax co-captain Harvey Weinstein. "We sent you a script that supposedly went directly to you, and we haven't heard anything!" the first one pipes up. (At this point, I check my shoes because I seem to have stepped in a clich .) "Uhhh, which one?" Mr. Weinstein asks with a Jesus-Christ-get-me-out-of-here expression. "Hunting and Fishing!" the other one chimes in. "Sorry guys, I don't remember it," he deadpans, "but thanks for coming!" Exits stage right.

When Uncle Harve leaves, you know the party's over. So on that note, I'm out like Anderson Cooper. (Oh no, she di-n't! Oh yes, I did!)