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As any east-sider who's dined alongside Giovanni Ribisi or Beck at The Alcove on Hillhurst Avenue knows, the Scientologists have very recently established a beachhead with their Mission of Los Feliz. From, L. Ron Hubbard's icy, outstretched hand on the web:

The grand opening marked the culmination of a two-year project by Renna to bring a Scientology mission to Los Feliz. Hollywood personalities Jason Lee, Jennifer Aspen, Denise Duff, Chris Masterson, Marissa Ribisi and Jason Dorhing, all worked with him on the project. [...]

Renna told the attendees he decided to make Scientology services available in this neighborhood because he didn’t like the alcohol and drug problems and lowered moral standards he saw in the entertainment industry.

“Actors and musicians can create trends and be responsible for acts of kindness. On the other hand they can make people think that it is cool to be promiscuous and can glamorize heroin,” he said. He believes the Scientology Mission of Los Feliz will serve as an inspiration to other young adults to join him in his commitment to do something to make a difference.

Hipsters, despair: L. Ron's kids are coming to take away your booze, drugs, and casual sex. Flee immediately for the relative safety of Echo Park and Eagle Rock (scorching the earth of Silver Lake on your way through), before you're accessorizing your thrift-store t-shirts with an e-meter and a blank stare.