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· Scientific research has determined that placing two square-jawed, highly-gelled rich boys near each other will cause a violent chemical reaction. As such, textile heir Cody Franchetti claims he wouldn't be in the same room as Fabian Basabe. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
· Martha Stewart, now in the "estate arrest" phase of her sentencing, will no doubt have a field day creating some sort of obscure delicacy out of the four dozen Italian lemons sent to her by Rosie O'Donnell. [ET]
· Conspiracy theorists wet themselves over the possibility that Hunter S. Thompson's recent suicide was something more sinister, as the writer was reportedly working on a story about the WTC at the time. Internet nerds, do your thing. [Page Six]
· Residents of South Dakota, fear not: Insider host Pat O'Brien has no intentions of running for Governor. [Page Six]
· Mel Gibson faces his alleged stalker in court — we're just happy for Mel. At least someone still finds him tolerable. [R&M]