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Some of you might remember this casting notice from January, in which the producers of CSI: NY were trolling for a certain Miramax tyrant type to kill off on the show. ("Think Harvey Weinstein. He has a weight problem, can’t stop eating.") Since our TiVo has strict orders never to record any Jerry Bruckheimer production, we needed a reader to inform us that they finally snuffed the faux-Harvey last night:

SPOILER ALERT: Even though he's at a party full of people who hate him, he dies recovering chocolate from his secret stash on the balcony. He falls and dies. Bruckheimer should expect to wake up with a severed horse head in his bed this morning.

The chocolate was a nice touch, but this was a missed opportunity for a poetically just death. If the not-Weinstein choked to death on the Hershey bar while strangling an assistant, then toppled off the balcony and landed on an actor bearing a striking resemblance to Matt Damon, then we'd really be cooking with gas.