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For as long as you can remember (er, the past six months), domestic dominatrix Martha Stewart has been locked away, unable to bake you rarefied scones and make your bed with those extra-tight hospital corners that you so desire. But tomorrow is her release (and yours, pervs) and media analysts are all atwitter with the possibilities for her brand new, post-incarceration image. Will she wear white? Or maybe a St. John s knit? Will she walk slowly? Carry a big stick? Carry a Birkin?

A brisk stride out of the prison gates in Alderson, W. Va., signals Martha is trying to tell the world she's back and stronger than ever, they say.

Slower, heavier steps could mean we're going to see a different, more thoughtful Martha who has learned from her stint behind bars.

Look for the same preppy linen shirts and simple hairstyle.

If this doesn t help with your speculative hand-wringing, click the image above for an enlightening break-down of the possibilities. Venn diagram to follow tomorrow.
The New Martha: Bold Or Beaten? [NYDN]