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We knew Brooklyn was hot, but this is ridiculous. According to The Los Angeles Times, one not so cool (ha ha) side effect of having a fabulous, shiny Frank Gehry building in your neighborhood is "baked" neighbors. As Jack Leonard and Natasha Lee report on the Gehry-designed Disney Concert Hall in LA:

Beams of sunlight reflected from the hall have roasted the sidewalk to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, enough to melt plastic and cause serious sunburn to people standing on the street, according to a report from a consultant hired by the county.

Forgive our lapse into Hiltonian understatement, but that's hot.

According The Times, modifications are being made to stop the burn, but not everyone's happy about it:

"Let them get shades," said Charlotte Epstein, who was visiting the concert hall from New Jersey. "It think it's very interesting. It's very different. I would leave it the way it is."

Clearly, another pissed New Jersey resident who wants to see Brooklyn burn for stealing the Nets.

Disney Concert Hall to Lose Some Luster [LAT]

[Cartoon via]