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We tend to shy away from child molesters, but now that the Michael Jackson trial is underway, we can no longer ignore the media circus and all of the multi-faceted stories oozing forth. Today s top news:

The British journalist Martin Bashir could be prosecuted for contempt of court after refusing to answer several questions put to him during the Michael Jackson trial.

Will Bashir pull a Judith Miller? And how is the rest of the media affected by the trial?

Court TV reporter and New Mexico native Diane Dimond said she's received death threats from fans of Michael Jackson.

Danger lurks behind every vintage copy of Thriller, but are any of Jackson s followers showing their support in a positive way?

Susie Mumpfield and Sheree Wilkins begin their day around 4 a.m. Awakening in the $37-a-night room they share at the Best Value Inn on East Main Street, they dress and head to the county courthouse a few blocks away. They don't want to be late. Michael Jackson will be there in four hours.

And the flacks? What about the flacks?!

A public relations specialist hired to repair Michael Jackson's tarnished image continues testifying today at the singer's trial.

So many beats... Are we missing anything? Oh, yes — pulling up the rear, we ve got the Post:

Michael Jackson is committing a fashion crime by bringing his flamboyant carnival-barker look to the courtroom.