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Earlier, I confessed my love for hipster scientist Sam Gosling. As it turns out, I am not alone. A reader, also fond of the Gos, sends word:

He was also my professor in my last year of college. He rescheduled our final so that we could watch the re-release of Star Wars. So awesome. I did research for him, and we ended up being friends after that. Who else has professors like that? Jealous much? Yes.

Wow. He s sensitive to nerds. Could he be any more perfect? Another Gosling-ite writes:

He does teach at UT in Austin. I took psychology from Dr. Gosling a few years ago. As adorable as he looks in the pic he is even more so in person. And did I mention he is British?? I thought my roomate and I were the only ones drooling over him, until I noticed the first 5 rows of the auditorium classroom were freshman girls like me.

He s got an accent? My ovary just started twitching.
Earlier: The Newest Object Of My Affection: Dr. Gosling, I Presume