· Everything you ever wanted to know about Andy Warhol but were afraid to ask because people would mock you for being totally uncool: Kenneth Goldsmith, editor of a newly published collection of Warhol interviews, chats with some Warhol biographers and Factory photographer Billy Name at the Kitchen tonight. [flavorpill]
· The man behind French Laundry and Per Se—Thomas Keller—chats with culinary historian Alexandra Leaf tonight at the 92nd Street Y. It'll be sold out by the time you read this, but if you tried, we're pretty sure you could kick Frank Bruni's ass out of his front-row seat. In fact, we encourage it! [92Y]
· For the low price of $39.50 (if you can still swing a ticket), you too can join the masses at Radio City tonight for the Interpol/Blonde Redhead show. Let us know how that goes. [RadioCity]