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· Spoiler alert (?): Because such things truly matter, Bachelorette Jen Schefft is rumored to have accepted Jerry's proposal (episode to air tonight), only to end their engagement a week later. Since then, she has been spotted "cuddling" Chicago restaurateur Billy Dec. Meredith and Trista would be ashamed. [Gatecrasher]
· Soho House continues to die a slow and ugly death, as the private club's Oscar week outpost managed to step on the toes of just about everybody. But really, what's a stolen Ferrari in the grand scheme of exclusivity? [Page Six]
· At Saturday night's Miramax party, stunning revelations from Harvey Weinstein include his purchase of a hamster. For his daughter, the story goes, but we know better. [Lowdown]
· Cynthia Nixon, eager to assert her lesbianism, has moved to Park Slope with her lover, Christine Marinoni. [ELK]
· Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston continue to confuse everyone by making the Oscar party rounds together. Meanwhile, George Clooney brought New York's favorite homeless fellow, Radio Man, out to LA for some party-hopping. [Page Six]
· The Academy Awards, according to Rush & Molloy, have "soul." Or they did until they wrote that line, anyhow. [R&M]
· Will Smith = Jerry Lewis? [Scoop]