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We want to apologize, briefly, for showing you Fred Durst s penis. We didn t think of the repercussions and thus regret any traumatic scarring we may have caused. If need be, we know a nice shrink on Park Avenue who s admitting new patients.

That being said, our suspicions were confirmed: Durst s sex tape was not captured on a T-Mobile device (the Sidekick 2, as we thought, doesn t even have a video function) but was actually stolen (or "hacked," as the kids are calling it) from his personal computer. Whether or not Durst was trying to make a quick profit from the video remains to be seen but, in the meantime, he puts it all in perspective:

"If you wanna know how not secure you are, just take a look around," he said. "Nothing's secure. Nothing's safe. It's just helping us get better, causing awareness for homeland security. ... I don't hate technology, I don't hate hackers, because that's just what comes with it, without those hackers we wouldn't solve the problems we need to solve, especially security."

Oh, our bad! We thought Durst s penis was sprinkling salt on our karmic wounds, but we were way off. This is about the war on terror. Carry on, Durst. Carry on.
Fred Durst Says Sex Video Was Stolen From His Computer [MTV]
Earlier: The Fred Durst Sex Tape You Never Wanted