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We weren't even aware of The New York Sun's existence until this morning (with all those free papers being handed out near the subway, it's hard to keep up), but apparently it's a real newspaper.

Real enough, even, to have an office. So very real, it even has a refrigerator.

After the jump, an email (The New York Sun's got email—that's pretty real!) about said refrigerator.

From: [Redated]
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:49:21 -0500
To: "~NY Sun Office Staff"
Subject: Proper Office Manner

To all:

I feel embarrassed to have to send this email to a group of adults but the matter at hand is this:
Someone in the Sun office, between those of you on the 2nd and those of you on the 4th floor, has been habitually taking food out of the refrigerator that clearly does not belong to him or her. Had this been an isolated incident, it would have be attributed to one mislabeling one's lunch or perhaps to two people sharing the same name, but this is not the case. For three consecutive days, the same individual's lunch has been eaten, only in part, with the partially empty Tupperware left open in the refrigerator for the owner to find. As of this email, I expect today's to be the last in what has been a continuing string of lunch theft incidents in this office. Another complaint such as this will result in the refrigerator being permanently removed, thus causing an inconvenience to everyone.

If this has been a simple (yet recurring) misunderstanding or a case of mistaken lunch identity, the guilty person is excused with a warning to be more careful in the future. If this is taking place in a deliberate manner, I advise the responsible party to come and see me to review proper office etiquette. I am happy to listen and help.

In addition, I've received a number of complaints within the last month alone regarding additional items missing from the refrigerator, from mailboxes and off of desks. This again is absolutely intolerable. As a general rule, to clear up any confusion, if it isn't yours DON'T TAKE IT.
Thank you,

C'mon Sunsters: You've got the White House, the Senate, and a Republican mayor. What more do you want?

[Fridge art via Easy Thrift]