· Talon News, the rightwing news site that brought the world Jeff Gannon/James Guckert goes dark. Now we'll never find out the end of their important series on which gay Democrats are also child molesting Communists. [E&P]
· Chris Rock is the William F. Buckley of comedy? Kind of a stretch. Then again, in a piece on Buckley and The National Review from the July 1989 issue of SPY, Bob Mack recounted the following Rockian riff by the old man of the Right: "In November 1986 NR ran a cover story, 'Black and the G.O.P: Just Called to Say I Love You,' that outlined possible GOP stategies for attracting black voters. Presiding over the traditional post-issue recap, Buckley quipped, 'Maybe it should've been titled "Just Called to Say I Love You, Niggah."'" [Slate]
· US Weekly's Ken Baker helpfully forwards our brother site's content to Paris Hilton's hacked Sidekick in the same way we send our own posts to our grandmas. [im.a.hacker.la, via Defamer]
· America almost, like, stands by its ideals: Judge rules The Times can protect its phone records. [AP, Yahoo]