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Page Six has been tracking the whereabouts of obsolescent bimbot Traci Bingham, who's been turning up everywhere in Hollywood in a bazoom-enhancing t-shirt advertising an online poker concern. Finally, someone's figured out a way to make use of former Baywatch stars*! It always seemed such a waste to toss them in a landfill or abandon them in a hot tub until they dissolved, especially when it takes so long for the implants to biodegrade. Bingham's really dodged a bullet, however, because we still heartily recommend that anyone's who's ever had contact with Bill Maher's genitalia** should have their head shaved and be abandoned in the desert with half a day's water supply.

[*Or Playmates who've had minor acting roles. This Venn diagram has a large area of overlap.]

[**Let's just add another circle to the Venn, shall we?]