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An operative with intimate knowledge of the War of the World set has offered us a few more details about the Scientology "assist" tent, where L. Ron's little helpers give "mini-massages" to the crew courtesy of the incredibly generous Tom Cruise. Apparently, only Scientology assistants of the highly-qualified "hot" variety staff the tent, which, incidentally, is a treat from Cruise that travels with the production from the Universal set to location shoots. (Does Cruise ever stop giving? Answer: He does not.) While weary crew members enjoy their assists, the helpful, model-quality technicians try to convince the assistee to purchase a copy of Dianetics. We don't even want to think about the hard sell the crew is subjected to if they opt for the "body thetan calibration," but it probably involves a sensation that can be described as "pulling weeds while wearing a sandpaper glove."