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In this edition: Lindsay Lohan, Steven Soderbergh and Jules Asner, Sienna Miller and Jude Law, Elijah Wood, Clive Davis, Drea de Matteo, Mary-Kate Olsen, Martin Bashir, Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Lizzie Grubman, Conan O'Brien, SJP, John Leguizamo, Molly Ringwald, Julia Stiles, Christy Turlington, Anne Hathaway, Vanessa Williams, Matt Damon, Natalia Vodianova, Derek Blasberg, Tara Subkoff, Carson Kressley, Tom Selleck, Geraldo, Mike Meyers, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, Robert Verdi, Tatum O'Neal, John McEnroe, Mark Consuelos, Jeff Goldlum, Tim Curry, Richard Kind, Keri Russell, Owen Wilson, John Stossel, Taye Diggs, Chloe Sevigny, Ivanka Trump, Steve Martin, Famke Janssen, Michael Showalter, Good Charlotte-ites, Ed O'Neill, Gideon Yago, and newlyweds Julian Casablancas and Juliet Joslin

Saw Lindsay Lohan at Jimmy Choo on 5th Ave Saturday afternoon with what seemed to be a handful of cheesy high school friends. Although her hair was an obnoxious shade of red and her skin had that lovely orange tint that comes along with an overabundance of self-tanning cream, she looked relatively non-hungover and alert and seemed pleasant to the sales people. Shopping for an evening if underage drinking and dancing on the bar, maybe?

2/19: bf and I having dinner at CityCrab *don't ask* and low and behold, George Clooney's best friend walks in - Steven Soderbergh with gf Jules Asner. With all his money, why eat there? I think it is b/c they must have figured NO ONE would notice them. Too bad I did. They waltzed in and took a seat upstairs.

Saturday Afternoon- I was in a fashion bookstore that was featuring a collection of Edie Sedgwick photos. When I was leaving, I looked toward the cash register and was like, "That looks like Sienna Miller" to myself. I then looked at her companion and realized it was Jude Law. She looked very cute, and she is tiny! No more than 5'4 (tops) and real skinny. She was dressed well, but kind of inappropriate for the freezing weather (which she later mentioned when she told Jude she was really cold). She was there buying some books. Jude is very good-looking (duh). He was wearing a black beanie, a brown leather jacket, and green cargo pants, I believe. I honestly didn't look at them that much. I stood outside smoking with my friend while they waited on the corner to cross the street. I didn't want to gawk, but my friend gave running commentary. "OMG, he kissed her! He keeps patting her thigh, etc."

at the futureheads show my friend totally spotted frodo baggins [elijah wood] himself. that man is short.

I saw frodo picking up his bags at the jet blue terminal at JFK after the red-eye from l.a. He is kitten-sized. He kind of looked more manly than I expected, a bit like brandon walsh. Long sideburns. he was with an equally teensy blond girl who maybe looked familiar?

spotted Elijah Wood last night at the Futureheads concert at the Bowery Ballroom, patiently waiting in line to get his coat from the coatcheck with the rest of us poor schmoes. the boy was ridiculously cute, (and oh is he tiny) and didn't seem to be phased at all by the "Oh, look! It's Frodo Baggins!" comments flying through the air. he was there with one other person, a tallish, darkhaired security-seeming type who wore earbud headphones throughout the entire show (odd, non?).

Went to the Kings of Leon show last night (2/22) at Irving Plaza and sat next to legendary music executive Clive Davis (!). Oh, and Drea de Matteo was there as well looking WAY too made up. Girlfriend has got to learn that less is more. Looked like there was enough make up on her face to help all acne victims everywhere.

I just saw Mary Kate Olsen with some skanky looking guy coming out off the Apple Store on Prince Street heading down Greene where she stopped to look at Ashley Tyler's window before crossing the Street to disappear inside Ana Sui. Glad to see MK finally shopping for some new duds since lately she's been looking like some whacky homeless person.

I can not believe I'm implying that that colossal pile of vanity otherwise known as Martin Bashir is a celebrity. But since I recognized his beady eyed adorned self important face when I bumped into him (literally) at the Columbus Circle Mall, I thought I should mention it. I was entering the mall and he was exiting with a shopping bag (I guess packed with some kind of voodoo to use against poor Wacko. And I am not even a Michael Jackson fan). I also saw Al Sharpton there two Sundays ago around 9 pm. The Reverend was window shopping with a sad-little-boy look plastered across his face.

Michael Moore, accompanied by an unidentified man and woman, sat in front of me at a screening of The Marx Brothers' "Duck Soup" a couple of weeks ago on the UWS. Poor guy; every single person gasped "It's Michael Moore!" when he walked in. Well, that's what you get when you have to sit in the front row of a tiny theater because you showed up 2 minutes before showtime.

Yesterday (2/20), I head up to Fred's at Barney's for some lunch, and my friends and I are seated at the table right next to everyone's favorite PR-jailbird - Lizzie Grubman. I don't know how she reached the gas petal of that SUV, because girlfriend is about 4 feet tall. She was with a hot guy (client?) and amused herself with a rhinestone studded Sidekick when he got up to use the restroom. Lizzie was a trainwreck (black zip-up that left her belly exposed!), but her dining companion was yummier than the crostata we had for desert.

Cruising through Central Park midday yesterday on my bike, I spotted Conan O'Brien at the southern entrance to the Mall. He was taking in The Gates, which, curiously enough, matched his hair all too closely. Although Conan was easy to identify due to his height, I was moving too fast to notice who he was with.

Down by Washington Square Park a few days ago, I was nearly run over by a black Lincoln Town Car. In the back seat was none other than Sarah Jessica Parker, eating a gigantic chicken drumstick. I must've registered an obvious "Oh my god, a real life celebrity!" look on my face, because she took the drumstick out of her mouth long enough to smile and toss me a friendly wave as her driver scooted up University Place.

John Leguizamo taking his son to school on a scooter crossing Broadway and 12th St.

Saw Molly Ringwald, looking very regular in a shapeless long down coat, lackadaisically wandering down 12th Street and University Place.

Almost hit Julia Stiles in the head with my lacrosse stick on my way to the Columbia gym. Thought she had graduated.

On saturday (2-12) I spotted Christy Turlington at a kids concert at Riverside church with her cute little daughter. She looked happy and relaxed snapping digital pics of her dancing toddler at the front of the stage. Looked great in a jcrew weekend wear sort of way.

After procuring baked sweets from the Magnolia Bakery, I saw actress Anne Hathaway in the West Village sitting in that lil park across from the Marc Jacobs' store and Magnolia, chatting away on her cellie, then it started to rain and she moved across the street to drier turf as she had no umbrella.

Last night (2/16) at Employees Only, Vanessa Williams and Matt Damon were sitting, oh... three tables apart. Williams was with a group of women (at some point they were talking about backing vocals) and Damon was with a woman (girlfriend?). Damon's hair has lost that young, youthful blonde coloring... Williams is looking as young as ever.

Seen at the Odeon this past Saturday, ubersupermodel Natalia Vodianova and her husband Justin (isn't he a duke or a baron or something?) dining early, sans what must be their supermodel baby. She "feasted" on raw oysters and a pickle (I am not making this up). She looked 80s glam, with big hair and a big-buttoned gray flannel overcoat. He looked shorter than her, even sitting down, with a shaved head full of divots.

my mom had an extra ticket to the westminster dog show at madison square garden on tuesday night and I thought i would go to make fun of dog lovers. Little did i expect to see the home-wrecking vogue staffer—can we say his name yet? cause it's Derek Blasberg. and he was there with tara subkoff. And somewhere else in the place was carson kressley, or whatever that guy's name is from queer eye. and I think i saw lizzie grubman coming out of the press room. i mean, it was surreal, but particularly weird was the vogue staffer: he quits vogue? he breaks up fashion's best design duo? he hangs out at dog shows? with tara subkoff? this guy must be on some amazing drugs.

Yesterday I saw gun toting tom selleck in the elevator at the regency hotel. Strangely good looking for a man of 80.

In abc carpet I saw creepy geraldo (sp?) with his current trophy slut.
mike meyers, on west 4th street in the west village - several times, every time wearing a big red and black plaid jacket, every time looking less like an international man of mystery. ah well.

Saw Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick at the Fab Faux show at Webster Hall last night (2/16.) They looked like they were having a great time together, and were very approachable (hanging out with everyone during setbreak.) She is gorgeous in person, in a very real, non-plastic way. He looked pretty good too so maybe there is just really good lighting in the VIP section at Webster Hall.

This morning (2/16) the E! Fashion Police guy Robert Verdi was standing behind me in line at Shine Deli on the corner of Broadway and 21st with an extremely tall, waifish but pretty black girl in tow. I was so surprised to see him I cheerily said "oh wow!" Do you know this guy actually *mocked* me? "Ohhh wowww" he repeated snottily. Now normally this would've simply warranted a flurry of cuss word from me, but I am pregnant and all about the good karma, so I ignored his rudeness and asked him how he was doing. He didn't answer at all. You have to wonder where f-list "celebrities" get all that ego and diva-tude from. Maybe I wasn't "stylin" enough for him to acknowledge. Anyway, he had olive green sunglasses propped on his forehead as per usual, a tacky fuschia velvet jacket, and looked much older and haggardly then I would've imagined - grey stubble on his huge bald head and all. What a farkin' dickface. In retrospect I'm really annoyed I didn't tell him he designs ugly rooms on Style By Design on my way out. Super blah.

Yesterday, I saw Tatum O'Neal at the corner of Lafayette & Prince. And today, I caught her ex-husband, John McEnroe, driving his Mercedes at the corner of Prince & Wooster. Minutes later, I caught Mark Consuelos walking down Spring St. I had no idea what a shrimp he is.... Is he even 5'??

just finished lunch at the underrated cafe un deux trois and I saw jeff goldblum lunching with a man I didn't recognized, then joined by another man who I did recognize but can't remember his name...white cropped hair, mid-forties, probably not short but definitely looked it next to mt. goldblum (yeah thats right, mt. not mr.) Also the other day I saw tim curry sporting a grizzly beard and mustache power walking on 45th between 6/7. Both are on Bway right now. both were really fun sightings for me.

Yesterday I passed Richard Kind (the huge-faced uber-Jew second banana from Mad About You, Spin City & Curb Your Enthusiasm) on Broadway and 57th, gabbing loudly on his cell phone. Isn't he in The Producers now or something?

went to see FAT PIG on Friday night, 2/12, starring the emaciated Andrew McCarthy and the nepotism-baby Jessica Capshaw. Saw Keri Russell in the audience and had to bite my tongue in order to refrain from telling her that Jessica was way better than she was in the role Keri originated. btw, Keri Russell's head is HUGE. like gigantic.

I was at the Maritime Hotel on Saturday night for the Wilhelmina Post-Christmas Party ("February is the new December!" it said on the invite. Gag. Only a modeling agency...) and ended up locked inside Hiro while there was a "situation" upstairs in the North Cabana—someone drowning in their own purge, perhaps? Anyhow, I was bodychecked by Owen Wilson just inside the front doors. Just before slamming into me, he snapped "I know!" at the doorman, who was giving him directions. He seemed cleaner than he's typically described on the Stalker, and on the short side. He was a lone solider, no entourage. We were eager to see if he lived up to his reputation in that he'd be smarmy and all over some PYT, but we lost him in the cesspool that is Hiro.

I saw John Stossel - looking almost as handsome as on 20/20 - outside Reebok last Friday. Spoke to him; he was sweet and when I told him I love his segment he recommended I "buy his book".

Saw Taye Diggs on Columbus and 67th yesterday. He is stunning and smiled.

Last Tuesday, I attended the 7: 40 showing of The Nomi Song, a luminescent doc on the marvelous gay/German/opera diva/alien/ EV icon Klaus Nomi. Seated about five rows ahead was Chloe Sevigny and a portly, shlubby companion. Was very pleased when she got up to go to the lobby she has a very lovely behind.

saw ivanka trump a few weeks ago, waiting to cross next to me at 61st and park. she had on a green jacket and was very tall. as we were crossing some guy yelled "hey you can't smoke on the street!" (she was smoking a cig) and she looked around startled, then laughed and ran to hug him through his car window. no idea who he was.

Saw Steve Martin looking quite cheerful at the Monty Python play Spamalot on Valentine's Day. My in-law got Eric Idle's autograph during intermission.

Just saw a very cute Boston terrier walking down Hudson St. in the West Village leading a tall, baseball cap-wearing and pretty-without-makeup Famke Janssen.

This was a big weekend for me personally, since I never see anyone stalker-worthy in this city of ours. Saturday night I saw Michael Showalter dining at Nana in Park Slope. This is the second time I have seen him in Park Slope. A coincidence? Then on Monday, I went to meet my visiting parents at their hotel (Rhiga Royal on 54th btwn 6th and 7th) and I spotted two guys dressed in black jeans and black sweatshirts with black hair in the lobby. I immediately grew suspicious. My suspicions were confirmed when a few girls ran up to them for autographs. They were two members of Good Charlotte.

walking down macdougal and 3rd st, when i saw my personal hero al bundy [Ed O Neill] in front of mamouns.

It was a b-list rock and roll brunch at Cafe Mogador on 2/21. First, Gideon Yago with a beautiful companion, then a less-bloated, happy looking Julian Casablancas with new wife Juliet Joslin.