Trade Round-Up: Writers Recognize The Soon-To-Be Shafted

· Variety: "Arnold is looking to terminate runaway production." It's safe to stop reading after that first sentence, since they blew their pun load by also using "Governator" in the subtitle. [Variety]
· The WGA showers their award love on the screenplays for Sideways and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which will likely go on to get shafted at the Oscars. [THR]
· Susan Sarandon joins Billy Bob Thornton in the cast of New Line's Mr. Woodcock. Again, we urge you to enjoy that title before it disappears into the ether of indecency. [THR]
· Ben Affleck's addition to the cast of Focus Features' Truth, Justice, and the American Way suddenly makes Adrien Brody and Diane Lane's decision to do the movie seem like career Russian Roulette. [Variety]
· Michael Bay signs on to direct the long-developing project Molly's World, a psychological thriller in which everything explodes for no apparent reason. [Variety]