When we're wrong, we are so wrong! Remember back in January when we wrote about Les Moonves' suggestion that Jon Stewart wasn't being ruled out as a replacement for Dan Rather?

At the time, we innocently suggested that the satellite reports done on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart look sort of fake and asked "Like, has anyone else noticed that when The Daily Show's correspondents report "from the field," it looks like in-studio video effects? Yeah. Bad in-studio video effects."

Well, a reader emailed to school our ignorant asses. Check it out:

in your article about jon stewart's possible replacement of dan rather, you mentioned how the "in the field" correspondents look like they are just in the studio in front of a green screen. i just wanted to point out that that's exactly what they do. in keeping with their fake news theme, they fake send fake reporters to important places to report the fake stories.

if this was sarcasm, i'm sorry, but it was pretty hard to pick up.

We're really embarrassed, regret the error, etc. How were we to know that a fake news show hosted by a comedian produced by a comedy channel out of a studio in Hell's Kitchen doesn't have the budget to send reporters (also comedians) to Baghdad every other day? It just seemed so damn credible at the time.