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As the world reels from the shock and empathetic pain we feel for hacking victim Paris Hilton, Gawker is forced to look for answers. We've realized that this is not the first time Paris Hilton has fallen prey to the cruelty of others. From a profile written in 2003:

In the meantime, I go to get my purse, and it's not where I left it. Hilton's is gone, too. We look all over. She's worried about her passport — she's supposed to go to Germany in two days — plus her platinum-and-diamond Franck Muller watch, worth about $20,000. Nervous, she's gone from supermodel perfection to Macaulay Culkin, all clownlike lips and doleful eyes. The room empties out; the Iranian girls leave along with [Simon] Rex. A couple of guys ask what's happening.

"We got jacked, man," says Hilton, scraping the floor with her sneaker. "People are always stealing my stuff. This happens all the time. Everyone is mean."

Keeping in mind that the "meanness" of the world also resulted in her lost dog and now this tragic Sidekick debacle, we're rather certain that Paris is the victim of a curse, no doubt cast by an evil coven of rival socialites who cast spells over a boiling cauldron of opiates.
Princess Paris [Rolling Stone]