A reader reports of more mysterious innuendo from the treasure trove of Cond Nast crappers:

Now the men's bathroom at Conde Nast has dozens of photo-copied print-outs of the most recent Savage Love column scattered inside one of the stalls. Bizarre. Is Savage Love the official company sanctioned jerk-off material?

Hmm. Interestingly enough, the most recent Savage Love column deals with a jock who confesses the following to a lady friend:

"I like to dress up like a woman and it turns me on and I really want to be a girl and I have these huge muscles because I'm fighting it and I've never told anybody this before and I can't believe I just told you and it's probably because I'm drunk and do you think it would be okay if someday I dressed up for you?"

Oh, come on. Steve Florio left a year ago; let it go already.
Earlier: Cond Nastiness In The Men's Room
Related: A Goodbye Tribute To Steve Florio