'NYP' & 'NYT': Fat Friday

What's worse: having your face (and pulkes!) in the Post next to the headline CASINO GALS' FAT CHANCE, or The Times reporting that you've "grown too beefy," and that you're a little "heavy around the midsection"?
Well, that's what we're asking ourselves this morning after reading The New York Post's report on the Borgata Hotel and Casino cracking down on "overweight" cocktail waitresses and The New York Times on the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, which they insensitively call A Bridge Too Fat.
We're gonna go out on a limb here and say it's wrong to judge waitresses and bridges for their weights. If they can successfully get us a drink or convey us safely over a body of water, we don't care what they weigh! Even if you're 6,000 tons, you can be beautiful!