· Yet another chat with James Truman, the man who gave up a job with "a reputed $2m yearly salary, a town-car on 24-hour call, a lifestyle largely picked up on expenses, and imbued him with the power of a cultural seer in city dazzled by the sheen of glamour that Cond Nast confers, it was courageous to give it up." Yes, but his accepting a job as volunteer at a Leper colony? Now that is courageous. [The Independent]

· Political cartoons about blogs are just as boring and unfunny as any political cartoons, but they mention blogs! [Pat Oliphant, Yahoo]

· Hey, Graydon: You kiss your mama with that mouth? [LA Weekly]

· Proof that they failed because they were stupid: Dot-com survivors gathered for a "Back in the Day" reunion at a nightclub that isn't Nerveana. (Also, it's nice that their parents gave them train fare to come back to the big city for the evening.) [NY Sun]