· Okay, this Judith Miller thing has gone too far. Remember this phrase, 'cause your kids are gonna read it in their history textbooks and ask you why the world was so fucked up before they were born: "There is no First Amendment privilege protecting the evidence sought." [AFP, Yahoo]

· Esquire editor-at-large A.J. Jacobs responds to Joe Queenan's Times Book Review slam on his book, The Know-It-All, wishing that someone nicer like Dale Peck or Moktada al-Sadr had been given the assignment. ("The infidel Jacobs' book is the bomb!") [NYTBR]

· Now that Dan Rather's retiring, who will fill the wacky anchorman niche? Until Ron Burgundy returns to TV, we have Peter Jennings, who's on the hunt for UFOs. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]

· On Slate, Ann Hulbert declares, "I wouldn't be surprised to see [Curtis] Sittenfeld's Prep eventually appear on those ninth-grade readings lists where Salinger and Plath and Knowles are still lodged these days." We're sure it's a compliment to say teen-agers will one day read your book's Cliff's Notes. [Slate]