Trudeau Laid Up: Rove's Revenge Begins
Heartfelt "Get Well Soon" sentiments to Doonesbury creator Gary Trudeau, who will be out of commission for six to eight weeks after his skiing accident last week. According to The Times 'Arts, Briefly,' that means reprints will run in place of his syndicated comic strip.
We gotta say it: Pretty crafty, Karl Rove! Especially trying to do Trudeau in while skiing, so much the better to bolster red state animosity towards the moneyed class' leisure activities.
We wonder which enemy of the state Rove's elite crew will pick off next and what devious methods they will use. Might they damn Will Ferrell to star in another painful late period Woody Allen film for his "Message from the White House West" ad? Will the crew from McSweeneys be laid low with a damning personal essay about their sex lives for that Future Dictionary of America? And will all those brave alt-weeklies that equated the president with a monkey be doomed to cultural irrelevance and a decline in paid classified ads?
All we know is, the score's getting evened out and we're stayin' the hell away from Michael Moore for the next four years.