Dear Gawker Readers,

We don't ask you for much. Every day, we bust our humps to create literally two or three good posts surrounded by 20 crummy ones. It's not easy, but we do it for you.

Now it's your turn to help us. We want to spend a weekend with James Guckert, aka "Jeff Gannon," aka the phony reporter for Talon News who somehow managed to finagle press credentials to feed Scott McClellan softball questions, aka, an alleged male prostitute.

According to Salon, a weekend with Guckert costs $1,200. That's a lot of scratch for ass, but if you've seen the dude, you know he's worth it. If you've seen us, you know we need to get laid—badly.

Please donate whatever you can: a dollar, a quarter, one thin dime. Your contribution will help us enjoy good times with D.C.'s hottest reporter. And, yes, we'll tell you all about it here on Gawker.

Won't you please do your part to help our parts?

This image was lost some time after publication.

"Jeff Gannon's" secret life [Salon]