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The only thing better than a morning cup of coffee is a morning dose of cock. As such, it pretty much made our day to happen upon this breaking discovery:

Squint your eyes and New York is shaped like a giant crotch, from the profile. Don't see it? Manhattan, in all its glory is the long shaft, with downtown as its bulbous head. Brooklyn is, appropriately, the scrotum of New York, and the Bronx its public [sic] hair. As someone noted when I pointed this out, it's too bad Lorena Bobbit had her way with the City first.

Seen in this light, of course, it gives a whole new meaning to the Staten Island Ferry.

And if you lightly run your tongue along the underside of Chelsea, this town will be putty in your hands.
An Alternative View Of Pubic Public Transportation [BoiFromTroy]