Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Paul McCartney, Aidan Quinn, Kobe Bryant, Mel Brooks, Gisele Bundchen, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Paris Hilton, Ja Rule, Kathy Hilton, Drew and Fab, Matt Dillon, Colin Firth, Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, JC Chasez, Shannen Doherty, Bobby Cannavale, Kyra Sedgwick, Lizzie Grubman and Jonathan Cheban, Neve Campbell, Spike Lee, Ashley Olsen, Philip Glass, Kurt Vonnegut, Katie Holmes, Jason Biggs, Patricia Fields, Jeff Goldblum, David Blaine, Fabian Basabe, Phillip Bloch, Leigh Keno, and Michael Musto.

At Soho House last night spotted Paul McCartney. He had the worst fake tan I have seen for a while and it looked like he had used shoe polish instead of "Just For Men". He didn't give anyone his usual cheeky-chappy-smile-with-two-thumbs-up greeting that makes most right thinking people want to slap him. He was having dinner with Aidan Quinn, who still looks hot.

Saw a dapper Kobe Bryant last night (2/9) walking up Spring Street with two much smaller men.

I saw Mel Brooks last night at the Food Emporium on Madison and 87th. He let me cut him in line at the cashier.

I saw Gisele at Nobu Next Door last night (2/8) eating sushi with another very attractive South American woman. Gisele looked beautiful, very skinny and very tan with her hair in a tousled ponytail.

I saw Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony at The Americana Mall in Manhasset on Long Island.

Saw Paris Hilton last night (2/9/05) at the Knicks game and she is uglier than i could ever have imagined. She was sitting next to Ja Rule and his little boy. Ja Rule's super short, but has a cute kid. Lots of other people there, but who really cares?

So I m walking towards Bryant Park today- no not for fashion week- but to Kinko s with another one of my low level publicist co-workers, when alas Kathy Hilton passes us looking very chemical peelesque but very well put together non the less ah the joys of knowing your class in New York City are always so defined when the rich and models pass you by just when you think your H&M outfit was enough, this shit happens

Last night (2/8) around 9 p.m., Drew and Fab of the Strokes were spotted on the corner of E. 17th Street and Park Avenue South. She had her arm through his, and he was hailing them a cab. They looked very much together. So much for those break-up rumors!

Matt Dillon was at the Mingus Big Band at Iridium last night. And so was Randy Brecker and Ronnie Cuber! (they re in the band.)

Spotted Colin Firth while having brunch at Balthazar last Saturday (2/5). He was with a brunette who I guess was his wife? Colin was tall & paced around the bar area when the wife unit went downstairs to the bathroom. He is quite handsome but kept fussing with his hair.

I attended Neil LaBute's Big Fat Pig last night (2/10). Across the aisle from me were Julianne Moore and her husband Bart Freundlich. They were sitting right behind Neil himself, who has a huge afro and was wearing Adidas three-stripe pants. They were all very chummy with one another. Julianne had her hair in a messy bun and looked beautiful. A few rows over was Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson. Tom seemed very nice and normal, and Rita had a fit of the giggles about halfway through the play and could not stop.

Wednesday night at Marquee was odd. Sat at JC Chasez's table (he felt special) and then an hour later he leaves and there's this whole fuss about clearing a banquet for someone, im thinking ok finally I get to see the infamous Olsen twins or Lindsay but no, its freakin' Shannon Doherty making this whole mess. She sits down, introduced herself, and downs her martini. Then Sarah from the real world is running around the place showing off her new fake boobs which she is very proud of because she paid for half, and her parents the rest...(heartwarming no?) then markus shankenburgerer whatever walks around like he is an A list celebrity....surreal life kills.

my lord, when one actually leaves one's cozy apartment to nurture a non-internal life, one sees celebs! and if one is a people and US magazine WHORE like myself, then one sees celebs that may escape a less star-fuckered eye. so. here goes. on friday night, at the west bank cafe in the theater district, i spotted the shockingly beautiful bobby cannavale of station agent and third watch fame. he's perty, that fella, even when he sports the thug look. just afterwards, at a showing of the unbelievably wonderful and hilarious new musical "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" (which is a must-see, i kid you not), i saw the slenderly beautiful kevin bacon and his slenderly gorgeous wife kyra sedgwick (who laughed all the way through the show, i kept looking back to see if she liked it), who were sitting in the same row (but not WITH) village voice columnist michael musto and a very strange looking heavy set woman with an orange page boy hairdo, a grim look on her face, and dark purple lipstick applied only in the dead center of her lips. said woman was also seen in the sunday styles section of yesterday's NYTimes so she must be 'someone.' whatevs - i was wayyy more excited about the bacon.

I just saw Lizzie Grubman and Jonathan Cheban (your favorite) in front of Bryant Park Fashion tent - she sure is orange....also saw a make up coated Paris signing autographs and L & T 5 min later....what a B league day (sigh).

The Gates on a beautiful, crisp New York Sunday was a bonanza of celebrity sightings. Well, OK, there were 2: Neve Campbell, looking winsome, with an older man (her dad? her agent? her sugar daddy?) taking in the sights. Then saw Spike Lee, with his kid, bundled up for the weather, near the Pond.

last night (sunday february 13th @ 10pm) ... Ashley Olsen making her way downstairs to the Pharmacy at the 6th ave & waverly duane reade... One very large bodyguard in tow....

Saw Philip Glass riding the C train this morning, he got out at Penn Station. And Kurt Vonnegut at "Thom Pain" last week, the day the effusive NYT review came out. Those two almost make up for the Blaine thing. Almost.

Saw Katie Holmes in Soho on Saturday with friends heading into Agent Provocateur. Looked way tall and beautiful. Undie stalking is so pervy.

I was at Town Taverne on w3rd and 6th saturday night... And saw Jason Biggs from American Pie fame....of course we were all shocked by his height.....he is like 5'6......seems nice.....watched him get stampeded by 30 drunk college kids......

Just saw Patricia Fields at Diesel on Spring Street. She does look whacky, although, I must say, her hair color is a little saner than usual. She was shopping with a tall girl who would be really hot if she didn't have a fat ass. Fields was telling her to buy a green shirt. She was like: "Green is THE color this spring." So I got myself a pair of green shorts and walked out.

Saw Jeff Goldblum — surprisingly hard to pick out from three feet away even as a tall, lanky white man in a sea of shorter Asian people threading his way politely through the packed crowd at the northwest corner of Pell and Mott in the middle of the Chinese New Year celebration on Wednesday, around 3 p.m. He was wearing mostly black and those half-shaded amber glasses he s always wearing in all his recent movies and on talk shows, and was smiling pleasantly as he swam past a whole bunch of people who had no idea who he was other than a tall, lanky white man in their way.

Saw David Blaine this AM, about 10:30, walking east across Times Square. Maybe going to Bryant Park - is he still dating that model who isn't Josie Maran? If not, I guess he was heading off for a lesisurely morning of modelizing wearing a gut-hugging blue track suit. Which, if he pulls that off, might be his most impressive stunt yet.

Saw Fabian Basabe at the Jennifer Nicholson after party at Salon on the 8th. I feel I could sum him up in about two words. [Ed: We're going to redact and let you guess what those words are.]

Last Friday (2/4) I was randomly at some freaky bars on Christopher Street. Outside of The Hangar I saw little Phillip Bloch and his oh-so-trendy mustache. He was alone and seemed annoyed? He proceeded inside and I, of course, followed. He's got the body of a 12 year old girl and his hair looked very greasy...He left shortly thereafter with a man from the bar.

Last night I was at Sotheby's checking out the items up for the Kennedy *COUGH*tagsale*COUGH* auction when who's unmistakable voice booms out over the room? None other than antiques god and super natty dresser Leigh Keno. Who cares about MK and Ashley? We have Leigh and Les!

spotted michael musto at 22nd st., riding his bike up 3rd ave. yesterday around 5:30 pm. not terribly interesting, just thought it'd be ironic for someone to report on HIS unspectacular whereabouts.